Deformed feet, diseased eyes, and infected wounds; it’s just another day in the miserable life for animals on Finnish fur farms. The only difference is, this day was caught on camera.

Animal campaign groups Humane Society International/UK (HSI/UK) and Oikeutta Elaimille (in English: ‘Justice for Animals’) have released footage of their latest undercover investigation into ‘high welfare’ certified fur farms in Finland.

The investigation can be seen here (warning graphic content)

Activists visited different fur farms over a period of two days, uncovering the abhorrent conditions which animals are subjected to so that Finland can supply countries such as the United Kingdom with fur.

The fur industry claims that all animals bred for their fur are treated humanely.

Yet this latest investigation comes little over a year after Oikeutta Elaimille previously exposed horrifically obese foxes on Saga certified fur farms:

“It’s sickening that the fur trade still attempts to justify this blatant animal suffering. These animals have zero quality of life.” – Claire Bass, executive director of HSI/UK

Horrific scenes of neglect and cruelty on fur farms have become all too familiar. It has been known for decades that this is the reality of the fur industry, and the only way it will ever end is by countries such as the UK ending their support of the fur trade.

You can take action on behalf of these helpless animals. E-mail Michael Gove at and tell him why it is unacceptable that fur is still allowed to be bought and sold in the UK.

Also make sure to sign the petition:

Originally written by Catherine Reda.