Until the end of the collection
Your support will fuel undercover investigations that expose cruelty on British farms and reach the screens of millions.
Through protests and campaigns we can hold food businesses to account.
We’re making progress. Hundreds of companies have already agreed to take Frankenchickens off the shelves thanks to pressure from people like you. But your regular support is needed to ensure we have the power to finish the job.
Chris Packham: Open Cages is doing vital work for animals. Please become a monthly supporter so we can win this campaign once and for all.
Helen (donor):
‘As a regular donor to Open Cages I know that I am part of an outstanding organisation who work hard to make a difference to the welfare of animals every day.’
Zuzana (donor):
‘Through supporting organisations like Open Cages I try to help millions of animals by giving them a voice, some basic rights and thus better life.’