Do you want to fight for animals suffering on factory farms? Do you dream of devoting your life to full time animal advocacy? Do you want to work remotely in a supportive, flexible and effective organisation?
If you answer yes to these questions, then good news: Open Cages is hiring and you have a good chance of being the person we’re looking for.
We’re hiring for two full time roles:
Application deadline: Nov 30th.
Fight for hundreds of millions of animals
Our sole mission as an organisation is to end the sale of the UK’s 1 billion Frankenchickens: Britain’s most numerous farmed animals. As a result of decades of selective breeding, these poor animals routinely live lives of pain, misery and anguish.
By working in these positions, you will join our Campaigns Team and help a massive number of animals. We’re campaigning for UK retailers to take these birds off the shelves. Already hundreds of companies have agreed, and we need you to help convince the leading supermarkets to follow.

Think you’re not good enough for the job? Think again.
By reading this you are already at the top of the list of candidates. Most people in society aren’t even aware of what really happens to farmed animals, let alone read blogs like this. Your motivation to help animals is the most important quality to have.
Although the animal protection movement is strong and growing, we are vastly outnumbered by the meat industry. We need as many motivated and hard working people as possible to work for animals full time. I think if you’re reading this, you probably fit the bill. We need you.

We do not require any experience.
The way we hire is a little different. We don’t accept CVs. Instead we send you questions. We want to get to know the real you and qualifications or previous jobs don’t really tell us that.
We believe it’s more important to find people who fit our culture and way of working than to find people who already have knowledge or experience.
This is because skills and knowledge can be taught. I learned almost everything I do now whilst on the job. So our recruitment is based around asking you lots of questions to find out who you are, how you think, and whether you have the capacity to learn.
We also provide extensive supporting materials that will help you beat our recruitment process.
So if you’re:
- Extremely motivated to fight for animals full time;
- Hard working;
- Open to learn on the job;
Then you have a good chance of being the person we’re looking for.

More info on the roles
You can find more detail about each job by following the links to the job descriptions: Campaign Manager, Corporate Relations Manager.
Here they are in a nutshell:
The Campaign Manager will plan campaigns, come up with ideas for actions, and manage their implementation. You may work on organising a huge protest, an undercover investigation, a report, social media content, or anything else we can come up with to put pressure on UK supermarkets to stop selling Frankenchickens.
The Corporate Relations Manager will work behind the scenes to develop relationships with decision makers at leading food retailers and negotiate on their animal welfare policies for chickens.
Follow the links to find out more about the jobs and what life is like in Open Cages. Good luck! I hope you will apply.
We accept applications until November 30th, 2023 23:59 GMT.